Uda Disturbance (宇陀崩れ)

Uda Disturbance refers to the family feud which broke out in the Uda-Matsuyama Domain in Yamato Province during the Edo period.

The third lord of the domain Nagayori ODA distributed eight villages, including Fukuchi Village, equivalent to 3000 koku to his younger brother Nagamasa ODA (bakufu hatamoto [direct retainers of the bakufu, which is a form of Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun]). During the reign of the fourth lord Nobutake ODA, the domain faced financial difficulties and senior vassals conflicted over solutions to them. In 1694, Nobutake murdered his senior vassals, Saemon IKOMA and Gorobe TANAKA, who were the descendants of the retainers who contributed to founding the domain, and killed himself. In the following year, the successor Nobuyasu ODA was deprived of his territory and transferred to the Tanba Kaibara Domain in Hikami District in Tanba Province (20000 koku), and the Uda-Matsuyama Domain was abolished and ended.

[Original Japanese]